SMS On Time! - easy to use and reliable app to schedule and auto-send SMS.SMS On Time! is an easy to use and reliable application to schedule and auto
SMS On Time! - easy to use and reliable app to schedule and auto-send SMS.
SMS On Time! is an easy to use and reliable application to schedule and automatically send text messages at given time.
How can SMS On Time! make your life easier?
1. Do not bother anybody at night or even after 10 pm. Schedule message to be automatically sent at morning (even if you still sleep).
2. Don't forget anymore to send Christmas/birthday wishes.
3. Remind somebody to do something they should do or you want them to do.
SMS On Time! is reliable because:
1. If message can't be sent at given time (for example if there is no signal or phone is turned off), it will be sent immediately when possible.
2. Scheduled messages will not be stopped by Android task killer.
SMS On Time! Features:
1. Schedule message using calendar in landscape mode (Android +3.0).
2. Pick your recipient from your Contact List.
3. Sent messages are saved also in your phone, not only in application.
4. Simple and easy to use user interface.
Fixed timepicker bug, which was was resetting to previous time on some devices.
Messages after restarting the phone are still automatically scheduled as they were before restart.
Service should not be crashing anymore.
Added polish translation.
Time is now showing in 12, or 24-hour format according to phone settings.